Скачать сэмплы: Big Fish Audio The Crate: Ultimate Urban Samples
Производитель: Big Fish Audio Формат: WAV Качество: 24bit 44100Hz
Описание: Огромный ресурс Hip Hop и R&B сэмплов (816 Programmed Drum Loops, 350 Acoustic Drum Loops, 2,410 Drum Hits, 192 SFX, 512 Melodic Loops, 463 Orchestra hits, 200 Orchestral Loops, 315 Percussion Loops).
Come discover a goldmine of pure and raw Hip Hop and R&B samples. You won't find any construction kits here, but only the finest urban loops and hits around for your sampling pleasure. At nearly seven gigabytes of content, you're sure to find new and inspiring material every time you start digging through this massive library. You'll find everything here from over 2,000 amazing drum hits to guitar loops, orchestral hits, sound effects, and a whole lot more. In total there are over 6,000 individual loops and hits in this collection. Choose between the 24-bit WAV version or the 16-bit WAV version to suit your need. So come get yo samplin' on with Big Fish Audio's "The Crate: Ultimate Urban Samples".
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Описание: Рэп-энциклопедия из первых уст: постановщиком этого шумного и боевого фильма стал Айс-Ти, киноактер и крестный отец гангста-рэпа. «Рэп спас мою жизнь»..
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